
conversation for 2 people

Where are you from?
conversation for 2 people

David: Hello I´m David Garza, I´m a new club member.
Beth: hi, my name is Elizabeth Silva, But please call me Beth.
David: ok where are you from Beth?
Beth: Brazil, How about you?

David: I´m from Mexico.
Beth, Oh, I love Mexico! It´s a really beautiful.

David: Thanks, so is Brazil.
Beth: Oh good, Sun Hee is here?

David: Who´s Sun Hee?
Beth: She´s my classmate. We´re in the some math class.

David: Where´s she from?
Beth: Korea, Let´s go and say hello. Sorry what´s your last name again? Garza?

David: Actually it´s Garza
Beth: How do you spell that?

David: G-A-R-Z-A

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